GastronomyOur Region

YOU MAY LIKE : Fishes & seafood
PRICE : Less than 15 €
OPENING HOURS : Open all year. Every day from 9.00 to 19.00 Delivery possible
GETTING THERE : 3, route Nationale – Collioure (66190)
TEL. : +33 4 68 95 95 25

Collioure is famous for its anchovy specialty since the Middle Ages. Since 1903, the house Desclaux transmits from father to son his craftsmanship. The anchovies are salted manually, then cleaned and placed in a crown in brine barrels to obtain an incomparable aroma and taste.

In the pretty shop, there are anchovies, all kinds of tinned, and especially semi-fresh anchovies with various seasonings: the traditional ones with garlic, parsley, and red peppers, those with capers and shallot …

The production workshops can not be visited, but in the old workshop kept adjacent to the store, a worker remakes the traditional gestures for you. Then comes the moment of the tasting: taste all the preparations without hesitation, they are just delicious! La Maison Desclaux has just opened a superb delicatessen in the center of Collioure, where you will find of course the inimitable anchovies but also local wines and other delicacies for the palate.

Inimitable flavors to enjoy in one of the most charming places in the world.